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平昌冬奥会各国最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套?

      发布时间:   编辑:大象

  作为冬季奥运会最具观赏性的赛事之一,花样滑冰不仅凭借优美流畅的高难度动作吸引着观众,参赛选手的服饰也是一大看点,优雅华丽的比赛服装大大提高了艺术表演效果。那么今年平昌冬奥会花滑赛场上,羽生结弦、梅德韦杰娃等选手的冰上 滑 服你更喜欢哪套?

  Yuzuru Hanyu


平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan not only takes home the gold in figure skating, he takes the prize for most creative outfit as well for his gold medal routine on Feb. 17, 2018. Hanyu tapped deep into his cultural roots with a Japanese, Heian-era inspired top.


平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Yuzuru Hanyu may be one of the many male skaters wearing white and blue on the rink this Olympics, but the figure skating gold medalist sets his outfit apart with a daring gold waist sash for his Feb. 16 program in Pyeongchang.


  Evgenia Medvedeva

  叶夫根尼娅 梅德韦杰娃

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  The devil is in the details, as shown in Evgenia Medvedeva's complicated collar twists on Feb. 11, 2018.


  Karen Chen


平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Karen Chen's outfit, so reminiscent of a swan in flight, comes with a tastefully embellished leotard dress and ruffled glove.


  Larkyn Austman

  拉肯 奥斯特曼

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Canada's Larkyn Austman wrapped up a punchy routine with an equally punchy look of red lipstick, windswept bob and black halter dress.

  加拿大选手拉肯 奥斯特曼的全套动作简洁有力,而她的一抹红唇、凌乱的短发和黑色吊带裙让她看起来同样利落。

  Emmi Peltonen

  埃米 佩尔托宁

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  At first glance, it might seem like Finland's Emmi Peltonen is wearing armor - but it's all embroidery!

  乍一看,芬兰选手埃米 佩尔托宁似乎身披铠甲,但那其实都是刺绣!

  Mirai Nagasu


平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Mirai Nagasu made history on Feb. 12, 2018 when she became the first US woman to land the triple axel on Olympic ice. Nagasu completed the feat in a red leotard made to look like a traditional Chinese qipao, with a longevity symbol for luck drawn out in rhinestones.


  Adam Rippon

  亚当 利蓬

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Adam Rippon might just be the biggest customer for blue rhinestones around, if his Feb. 17, 2018, outfit for Pyeongchang is any indication.

  如果亚当 利蓬2月17日在平昌赛场上所穿的服装暗示了什么讯息的话,那么可能就是他是蓝色水钻的忠实粉丝。

  Nathan Chen


平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Nathan Chen likes to let his moves on ice speak louder than his clothes, as his monochrome Vera Wang outfit shows on Feb. 16, 2018.


  Matteo Rizzo

  马泰奥 里索

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Matteo Rizzo of Italy kept it safe with a black smoking jacket embellished with gold Chinese button knots on Feb. 12, 2018.

  意大利选手马泰奥 里索在2月12日的比赛中选择一套很安全的服装,他身穿装饰着金色中国纽扣结的黑色吸烟装。

  Shiyue Wang and Xinyu Liu


  Shiyue Wang and Xinyu Liu of China prove you don't need completely matching outfits to create a complete pairs look for their Feb. 11, 2018, routine.


  Tessa Virtue & Scott Moirt

  泰莎 沃尔图和斯科特 莫伊尔

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Team Canada's outfits do not hold back Tessa Virtue wore a loud animal print as a backdrop for the couple's theme of gold shards, perhaps to remind us all of the pair's 2010 gold medal in short dance in 2010?

  加拿大队的服装霸气外露,两人的服装以金色碎片为主题,泰莎 沃尔图的裙子以花哨的动物花纹图案为底,这或许是在提醒我们这对搭档是2010年短舞蹈项目的金牌得主。

  Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot

  阿莉安娜 萨维琴科和布鲁诺 马索

平昌冬奥会最美战袍 你最喜欢哪一套

  Aliona Savchenko's flapper meets Bruno Massot's dapper as the pair skated for Team Germany on Feb. 9, 2018.

  德国队选手阿莉安娜 萨维琴科和布鲁诺 马索分别穿着摩登短裙和修身服装亮相2月9日的比赛。

